- "Solar-powered molecular crystal motor based on an anthracene-thiazolidinedione photoisomerization reaction," Kevin Lam, Veronica Carta, Mohammed Almtiri, Ibraheem Bushnak, Imadul Islam, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi and Christopher J. Bardeen, JACS, 146, 18836-18840 (2024).
- "Photochemical reaction front propagation and control in molecular crystals," Wangxiang Li, Thomas J. Gately, Daichi Kitagawa, Rabih O. Al-Kaysi and Christopher J. Bardeen, JACS, 146, 32757-32765 (2024).
- "Distinctive photomechanic shape change of p-phenylenediacrylic acid dimethyl ester single crystals induced by a spatially heterogeneous photoreaction," Daichi Kitagawa, Rei Tomoda, Sebastian A. Ramos, Gregory J. O. Beran, Christopher J. Bardeen, and Seiya Kobatake, Angewandte Chemie,
- "Nanosecond laser debonding using an ultrathin absorber layer in a transparent composite: making a light-powered exploding bolt," Touhid Bin Anwar and Christopher J. Bardeen, Advanced Functional Materials, (2024); .
- "Using nanosecond laser pulses to debond the glass-EVA layer from silicon photovoltaic modules," Touhid Bin Anwar, Kerry M. Hanson, Kevin Lam, Christopher J. Bardeen, Waste Management, 187, 275-284 (2024).
- "Relationship between spatially heterogeneous reaction dynamics and photochemical kinetics in single crystals of anthracene derivatives," Sogo Kataoka, Daichi Kitagawa, Hikaru Sotome, Syoji Ito, Hiroshi Miyasaka, Christopher J. Bardeen, Seiya Kobatake, Chem. Sci., 15, 13421-13428 (2024).
- "Light-triggered rolling and unrolling of molecular crystal microsheets," Pranaya P Ghate, Cody J. Perry, Veronica Carta, Ibraheem Bushnak Yahya J. Almuallem, Gregory J. O. Beran, Christopher J. Bardeen, Rabih O. A-Kaysi, Crystal Growth & Design, (2024);
- "Lattice Dynamics: the unexplored multidimensional dynamic playground of molecular crystalline materials," Luca Catalano, Kristin M. Hutchins, Christopher J. Bardeen, Michael T. Ruggiero, Crystal Growth & Design, 24, 2301-2303 (2024).
- "Laser control of graphite plate tilting on a magnet surface," J. B. Rodriquez, Q. Fan, Y. Yin, C. J. Bardeen, Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 155103 (2024).
- "Robust supercooled liquid formation enables all-optical switching between liquid and solid phases of TEMPO," J.B. Rodriquez, K. Lam, T. B. Anwar, C. J. Bardeen, ACS Omega, 9, 11266-11272 (2024).
- "Generating stable nitrogen bubble layers on poly(methylmethacrylate) films by photolysis of 2-azidoanthracene", P.P. Ghate, K.M. Hanson, K. Lam, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C.J. Bardeen, Langmuir, 40, 4054-4062 (2024).
- "Nanosecond laser debonding of strong adhesives," T. Bin Anwar, T.N. Lewis, A.J. Berges, T.J. Gately, C.J. Bardeen, Journal of Adhesion, 100, (2024); .
- "Using chemical substitution to engineer photomechanical cinnamalmalononitrile crystals," T.J. Gately, C.J. Perry, S. Weiss, K. Lam, I. Islam, M.N. Almtiri, V. Carta, G. J.O. Beran, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C.J. Bardeen, ChemRxiv. (2024); doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-cs31x.
- "Photoinduced bending in bimorph optical fibers," J.D. Myers, D.L. Rhonehouse, G.D. Chin, A. Moore, A. Clabeu, J.A. Frantz, R.Y. Bekeley, K.L. Lam, B.F. Lui, C.J. Bardeen, N. Maghsoodi, and J.S. Sanghera, J. Optic. Soc. Amer. B., 41, 2175-2180 (2024).
- "Photoactuators via epitaxial growth of microcrystal arrays in polymer membranes," W. Xu, D.M. Sanchez, U. Raucci, H. Zhou, X. Dong, M. Hu, C.J. Bardeen, T.J. Martinez, R.C. Hayward, Nature Materials, 22, 1152-1159 (2023).
- "Cooperative photochemical reaction kinetics in organic molecular crystals," K. Morimoto, D. Kitagawa, C.J. Bardeen, S. Kobatake, Chemistry Europe, 29, e20220391 (2024).
- "A theoretical framework for the design of molecular crystal engines," C.J.Cook, W. Li, B.F. Lui, T.J. Gately, R.O. Al-Kaysi, L.J. Mueler, C.J. Bardeen, G.J.O. Beran, Chem. Sci., 14, 837-949 (2023).
- "Stable room temperature nitrenes created by photolysis of crystalline 4-azido-2,3,5,6-tertrafluorobenozoic acid," T.J. Gately, R. A. Boton, M.J. Tauber, D. Casanova, C.J. Bardeen, 127, 4816-4824 (2023).
- "Using small molecule absorbers to create a photothermal wax motor," Brandon F. Lui and Christopher J. Bardeen, Small, 18, 2015356 (2022).
- "Correlating reaction dynamics and size change during the photomechanical transformation of 9-methylanthracene single crystals," Kohei Morimoto, Daichi Kitagawa, Fei Tong, Kevin Chalek, Leonard J. Mueller, Christopher J. Bardeen and Seiya Kobatake, Angewandte Chemie, 61, e202114089 (2022).
- "Efficient Solid-State triplet-triplet annihilation up-conversion electroluminescence device by incorporating intermolecular intersystem-crossing dark sensitizer," Chia-HsunChen, Bo-YenLin, Nathan T.Tierce, Man-kitLeung, Tien-LungChiu, Christopher J.Bardeen, Jiun-HawLee, Chemical Engineering Journal, 427, 1 30889 (2022).
- "Effect of fluorination on the polymorphism and photomechanical properties of cinnamalmalononitrile crystals," T.J. Gately, C. Cook, R. Almuzarie, I. Islam, Z. Gardner, R. J. Iuliucci, R.O. Al-Kaysi, G.J.O. Beran, C.J. Bardeen, Crystal Growth & Design, 22, 7298-7307 (2022).
- "Performance of composite glass-diarlethene crystal photomechanical actuator membranes," X. Dong, T. Guo, D. Kitagawa, S. Kobatkae, P. Palffy-Muhoray, C.J. Bardeen, Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 27149-27156 (2022).
- "Distinguishing between triplet-pair state and excimer emission in singlet fission chromophores using mixed thin films," J. Hausch, A.J. Beres, C. Zeiser, T. Rammler, A. Morlok, J. Bredehoft, S. Hammer, J. Pflaum, C.J. Bardeen, K. Broch, J. Phys. Chem. C., 126, 6686-6693 (2022).
- "Analysis of molecular photomechanical performance using a one-dimensional harmonic model," A.J. Berges and C.J. Bardeen, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 21, 1845-1852 (2022).
- "Patterning submicron photomechanical features into single diarylethene crystals using electron beam lithography," W. Li, D. Kitagawa, S. Kobatake, E. Bekyarova, C.J. Bardeen, Nanoscale Horiz., 7, 1065-1072 (2022).
- "Photomechanical structures based on porous alumina templates filled with 9-methylanthracence nanowires," A.J. Berges, W. Li, W. Xu, F. Tong, R.O. Al-Kaysi, R.C. Hayward, C.J. Bardeen, Crystals, 12, 808 (2022).
- "Structure and photophysics of rubrene-tetracene blends," C. Zeiser, A.J. Berges, T. Rammler, F. Munko, A.J. Meixneer, C.J. Bardeen, K. Broch, Electronic Structure, 4, 014002 (2022).
"Performance improvement of blue quantum dot light-emitting diodes by facilitating electron transportation and suppressing electroplex emission," Bo-Yen Lin, Wen-Cheng Ding, Chia-Hsun Chen, Ya-Pei Kuo, Peng-Yu Chen, Hsueh-Hsing Lu, Nathan Tierce, Christopher J. Bardeen, Jiun-Haw Lee, Tien-Lung Chiu, and Chun-Yu Lee, Chemical Engineering Journal, 417, 127983 (August 2021).
"Chemical tuning of exciton versus charge-transfer excited states in conformationally restricted arylene cages," Taylor N. Lewis, Claire Tonnelé, William G. Shuler, Zachary A. Kasun, Hiroki Sato, Adam J. Berges, Jacob R. Rodriguez, Michael J. Krische, David Casanova, Christopher J. Bardeen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143, 18548-18558 (2021).
- "Reversible adhesion switching using spiropyran photoisomerization in a high glass transition temperature polymer," Thomas J. Gately, Wangxiang Li, Seyed Hossein Mostafavi and Christopher J. Bardeen, Macromolecules, 54, 9319-9326 (2021).
- "Distinguishing plasmonic photoinduced electron transfer and photothermal enhancement mechanisms for photoelectrocatalytic ethanol oxidation on Au nanoparticle-decorated photoelectrodes," Robert J. Dillon, Tayler N. Lewis, Xinning Dong, Thomas J. Gately, Christopher J. Bardeen, Joshua P. McClure and David R. Baker, 4, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 4, 13196-13205 (2021).
- "Vacancy control in acene blends links exothermic singlet fission to coherence," C. Zeiser, C. Cruz, D. R. Reeichman, M. Seitz, J. Hagenlocher, E. L. Chronister, C. J. Bardeen, R. Tempelaar and K. Broch., Nature Communications, 12, 5149 (2021).
- "Optimizing pulsed-laser ablation production of AlCl molecules for laser cooling," Taylor N. Lewis, Chen Wang, John R. Daniel, Madhav Dhital, Christopher J. Bardeen and Boerge Hemmerling, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 22785-22793 (2021).
- "Harnessing the inductive effect to design new donor-acceptor-acceptor-configured small-molecule donors for vacuum-processed organic photovoltaics," C-H. Chen, C-J. Chen, Y-A. Chen, Y-H. Chang, H-C. Liu, Y-C. Lo, B-Y. Lin, C-L. Lin, C. J. Easley, C. J. Bardeen, Y.-S. Chen, J-H. Lee, T-L. Chiu, and K-T. Wong, Energy & Fuels, Ahead of Print (2021).
- "Effect of halogen substitution on energies and dynamics of reversible photomechanical crystals based on 9anthracenecarboxylic acid," T. J. Gately, W. Sontising, C. J. Easley, I. Islam, R. O. Al-Kaysi, G. J. O. Beran and C. J. Bardeen, CrystEngComm, 23, 5931-5943 (2021).
- "Efficient solid-state triplet-triplet annhilation up-conversion electrluminescence device by incorporating intermolecular intersystem-crossing dark sensitizer," C-H. Chen, B-Y. Lin, N. T. Tierce, M-K. Leung, T-L. Chiu, C. J. Bardeen and J-H. Lee, Chemical Engineering Journal (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 427, 130889 Ahead of Print (2021).
- "Light-powered autonomous flagella-like motion ofmolecular crystal microwire," F. Tong, D. Kitagawa, I. Bushnak, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed, 60, 2424-2423 (2021).
- "Bridging photochemistry and photomechanics with NMR crystallography: the molecular basis for the macroscopic expansion of an anthracene ester nanorod," K. R. Chalek, X. Dong, F. Tong, et al., Chem. Sci., 12, 453-463 (2021).
- "Synthesis and photophysical properties of soluble n-doped rubicenese via ruthenium-catalyzed transfer hydrogenative benzannulation, W. G. Shuler, S. P. Parvathaneni, J. B. Rodriguez, T. N. Lewis, A. J. Berges, C. J. Bardeen, M. J. Krische, Chem. Euro. J., 27, 1-6 (2021).
- "Controlling ultralong room temperature phosphorescence in organic compounds with sulfur oxidation state," Z. Xu, C. Climent, C. M. Brown, D. Hean, C. J. Bardeen, D. Casanova, M. O. Wolf, Chem. Sci., 12, 188-195 (2021).
- "Excitons: Energetics and spatiotemporal dynamics," Seogjoo J. Jang, Irene Burhardt, Chao-Ping Hsu and Christopher J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys., 155, 200401 (2021).
- "Molecular crystal microcapsules: formation of sealed hollow chambers via surfactant-mediated growth," F. Tong, W. Li, Z. Li, I. Islam, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Angewandte Chemie, Ahead of Print, August 2020.
- "Photochemical crystals made from anthracene derivatives," F. Tong, C. J. Bardeen and R. O. Al-Kaysi from "Mechically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics," 29-56 (2020)
- "Symmetry breaking and photomechanical behavior of photochromic organic crystals," D. Kitagawa, C. J. Bardeen, S. Kobatake, Symmetry, 12, 1478 (2020).
- "Using light intensity to control reaction kinetics and reversibility in photomechanical crystals," C. J. Easley, F. Tong, X. Dong, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Sci., 11, 9852-9862 (2020).
- "Hexagonal boron nitride encapsulation of organic microcrystals and energy-transfer dynamics," W. Li, H. Tian, J. van Barden, A. Berges, M. M. Altaiary, E. Liu, E. Bekyarova, C. H. Lui, J. Liu, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C., 124, 21170-21177 (2020).
- "Mechanical properties and photomechanical fatigue of macro- and nanodimensional diarylethene moleculer crystals," T. I. Lansakara, F. Tong, C. J. Bardeen, A. V. Tivanski, NanoLetters, 20, 6744-6749 (2020).
- "Photomechanical molecular crystals and nanowire assemblies based on the [2+2] photodimerization of a phenylbutadiene derivative," F. Tong, W. Xu, T. Guo, B. F. Lui, R. C. Hayward, P. Palffy-Muhoray, R.O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices, 8, 5036-5044 (2020).
- "Effects of solvent and micellar encapsulation on the photostability of avobenzone," K. M. Hanson, M. Cutuli, T. Rivas, M. Antuna, J. Saoub, Jessica, N. T. Nathan T. C. J. Bardeen, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 19, 390-398 (2020).
- "Shaping Organic Microcrystals Using Focused Ion Beam Milling," W. Li, J. van Baren, A. Berges, E. Bekyarova, C. H. Lui, C. J. Bardeen, Crystal Growth & Design, 20, 1583-1589 (2020).
- "Heterogeneous kinetics of photoinduced cross-linking of silica nanoparticles with surface-tethered anthracenes," S. H. Mostafavi, M. Mettry, A. D. Gill, C. J. Easley, R. J. Hooley, C. J. Bardeen, Chemical Physics Letters, 741, 137059 (2020).
- "Thickness-dependent exciton dynamics in thermally evaporated rubrene thin films," Chia-Hsu Chen, Pin-Hao Sher, Cheng-Pin Chen, Wing-Kit Choi, Christopher J. Bardeen, Tien-Lung Chiu, Juen-Kai Wang and Jiun Haw Lee, J. Phys. Chem., 124, 25729-25737 (2020).
- "Effects of template and molecular nanostructure on the performance of organic–inorganic photomechanical actuator membranes," X. Dong, T. Guo, D. Kitagawa, S. Kobatake, P. Palffy-Muhoray, C. J. Bardeen, Adv. Funct. Mat., 30, 1902396 (2020); first published June 13 (2019).
- "Photomechanical crystals from anthracene derivatives," F. Tong, C. J. Bardeen, R. O. Al-Kaysi, in Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics, Hideko Koshima (Ed).January 2020, 29-54. ISBN: 978-3-527-34620-2
- "Time dependent correlations of entangled states with nondegenerate branches and possible experimental realization using singlet fission," C. J. Bardeen. J. Chem Phys. ,151 124503 (2019). DOI: 10.1063/1.5117155
- "Crystal-to-Gel Transformation Stimulated by a Solid-State E→ Z Photoisomerization." F. Tong, S. Chen, Z. Li, M. Liu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, U. Mohideen, Y. Yin, and C. J. Bardeen. Angewandte Chemie (2019). DOI: 10.1002/anie.201907454
- "Photinduced deadhesion of a polymer film using a photochromic donor-acceptor Stenhouse adduct," S. H. Mostafavi, W. Li, K. D. Clark, F. Strickler, J. R. de Alaniz, C. J.Bardeen, Macromolecules, 52, 6311-6317 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00882
- "Using sulfur bridge oxidation to control electronic coupling and photochemistry in covalent anthracene dimers," C. D. Cruz, J. Yuan, C. Climent, N. T. Tierce, P. R. Christensen, E. L. Chronister, D. Casanova, M. O. Wolf, C. J. Bardeen, Chem.Sci. Edge Article, June 17 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C8SC05598J
- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201902396
- "Unusual concentration dependence of the photoisomerization reaction in donor-acceptor Stenhouse adducts," B. F. Lui, N. T. Tierce, F. Tong, M. M. Sroda, H. Lu, J. R. de Alaniz, C. J. Bardeen, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 18, 1587-1595 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C9PP00130A
- "Photoinduced peeling of molecular crystals," F. Tong, M. A-Haidar, L. Zhu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Comm., February 4 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C8CC10051A
- "Hybrid Organic-inorganic photon-powered actuators based on diarylethene nanocrystals," X. Dong, F. Tong, K. M. Hanson, R. O. Al-Kaysi, D. Kitagawa, S. Kobatake, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Materials, 31, 1016-1022 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b04568
- "Robust singlet fission in pentacene thin films with tuned charge transfer interactions," K. Broch, J. Dieterle, F. Branchi, N. J. Hestand, Y. Ollivier, H. Tamura, C. Cruz, V. M. Nichols, A. Hinderhofer, D. Beljonne, F. C. Spano, C. J. Bardeen, F. Schreiber, Nature Comm. 9, 254 (2018). Link to Article.
- "Protection of molecular microcrystals by encapsulation under single layer graphene," W. Li, N. T. Tierce, E. Bekyarova, C. J. Bardeen, ACS Omega, 3, 8129-8134 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b00872
- "Surfactant-enhanced photoisomerization and photomechanical response in molecular crystal nanowires," F. Tong, M. Liu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Langmuir, 34, 1627-1634 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b03848
- "Exciton dynamics in heterojunction thin-film devices based on exciplex-sensitized triplet-triplet annihilation," N. T. Tierce , Chia-Hsun Chen , Tien-Lung Chiu , Chi-Feng Lin , C. J. Bardeen, J. -H. Lee, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 October 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8CP05261A.
- "Efficient triplet–triplet annihilation upconversion in an electroluminescence device with a fluorescent sensitizer and a Triplet‐Diffusion Singlet‐Blocking Layer," C.-H. Chen, N. T. Tierce, M.-K. Lenugn, T.-L. Chiu, C.-F. Lin, C. J. Bardeen, J.-H. Lee, Advanced Materials, 11 October 2018, DOI: /10.1002/adma.201804850.
- "Photomechanically induced magnetic field response by controlling molecular orientation in 9‐methylanthracene microcrystals," F. Tong, W. Xu, M. Al-Haidar, D. Kitagawa, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Agewandte Chemie, 16 April 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ange.201802423.
- "Noncovalent photochromic polymer adhesion," S. H. Mostafavi, F. Tong, T. W. Dugger, D. Kisailus, C. J. Bardeen, Macromolecules, 15 March, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b00036
- "Photomechanical motion of diarylethene molecular crystal nanowires," F. Tong, D. Kitagawa, X. Dong, S. Kobatake, C. J. Bardeen, Nanoscale, 10, 3393-3398 (2018). Feb 16, 2018. Link To Article
- "Control of photomechanical crystal twisting by illumination direction," D. Kitagawa,H. Tsujioka, F. Tong, X. Dong, M.-Z. Lee, C. J. Bardeen, S. Kobatake, JACS, 16 February 2018, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b13605
"Boosting the heavy-atom effect by cavitand encapsulation: RTP of pyrene in the presence of oxygen," C. J. Easley, M. Mettry, E. M. Moses, R. J. Hooley, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 122, 6578-6584 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b05813.
"Photon upconversion in crystalline rubrene: resonant enhancement by an interband state," C. D. Cruz, H. H. Choi, V. Podzorov, E. L. Chronister, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 17632-17642 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02838
- "Exciplex-sensitized triplet-triplet annhiliation in heterojunction organic thin film," B.-Y. Lin, C. J. Easley, C.-H. Chen, P.-C. Tseng, M.-Z. Lee, P.-H. Sher, J.-K. Wang, T.-L. Chiu, C.-F. Lin, C. J. Bardeen, J.-H. Lee, Applied Materials, 9, 10963-10970 (2017).
- "Chapter 7: Photomechanical effects in photochromic crystals," L. Zhu, F. Tong, C. J. Bardeen, R. O. Al-Kaysi, in Photomechanical Materials, Composites, and Systems: Wireless Transduction of Light into Work, Ed. Timothy J. White, Wiley, (2017).
- "Highly branched photomechanical crystals," R. O. Al-Kaysi, F. Tong, M. Al-Haidar, L. Zhu, C. J. Bardeen, Chemical Communications, 53(17) 2622-2625 (2017).
- "Photoluminescence dynamics in singlet fission chromophore liquid melts," G. B. Piland, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 669, 99-103 (2017).
- "Site selective reading of epigenetic markers by a dual-mode synthetic receptor array," Y. Liu, L. Perez, M. Mettry, A. D. Gill, S. R. Byers, C. J. Easley, C. J. Bardeen, W. Zhong, R. J. Hooley, Chem. Sci., 8, 3960-3970 (2017).
- "The photophysics of napthalene dimers controlled by sulfur bridge oxidation," C. Climent, M. Barbatti, M. O. Wolf, C. J. Bardeen, D. Casanova, Chem. Sci., 8, 4941-4950 (2017).
- "Crystal structure of the meta-stable intermediate in the photomechanical crystal-to-crystal reaction of 9-tert-butyl anthracene ester," C. Yang, L. Zhu, R. A. Kudla, J. D. Hartman, R. O. Al-Kaysi, S. Monaco, B. Schatschneider, A. Magalhaes, G. J. O. Beran, C. J. Bardeen, L. J. Mueller, Cryst. Eng. Comm., 18, 7319-7329 (2016).
- "Reply to 'Comment on magnetic field effects on singlet fission and fluorescence decay dynamics in amorphous rubrene," J. Phys. Chem. C., 120(43), 25158-25160 (2016)
- "Analysis of reaction kinetics in the photomechanical molecular crystal 9-methylanthracence using an extended Finke-Watzy model," F. Tong, M. P. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, :DOI: 10.1039/c6cp04459j (2016).
- "Characterization of a P-type photomechanical crystal basaed on the E/Z photoisomerizaton of 9-divinylanthracene malonitrile," L. Zhu, F. Tong, N. Zaghloul, O. Baz, C. J. Bardeen, R. O. Al-Kaysi, J. Mat. Chem. C., 4, 8245-8252 (2016).
- "Crystal structure of the meta-stable intermediate in the photomechanical, crystal-to-crystal reaction of 9-methyl anthracene ester," C. Yang; L. Zhu, R. A. Kudla, J. D. Hartman, R. O. Al-Kaysi, S. Monaco, B. Schatschneider, A. Magalhaes, G. J. O. Beran, C. J. Bardeen, L. J. Mueller, Cryst. Eng. Comm., 18, 7319-7329 (2016).
- "Photoinduced ratchet-like rotational motion of branched molecular crystals," L. Zhu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, and C. J. Bardeen, Angewandte Chemie, 55, 7073-7076 (2016).
- "Dynamics of energy transfer from CdSe nanocrystals to triplet states of anthracene ligand molecules," G. B. Piland, Z. Huang, M. L. Tang, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C., 120, 5883-5889 (2016).
- "Nanocrystal size and quantum yield in the upconversion of green to violet light with CdSe and anthracene derivatives," Z. Huang, X. Li, B. D. Yip, J. M. Rubalcava, C. J. Bardeen and M. L. Tang, Chem. Mat., 27(21), 7503-7507 (2015).
- "Sulfur-bridge terthiophene dimers: how sulfur oxidation state controls inter-chromophore electronic coupling,"C. D. Cruz, P. R. Christensen, E. L. Chronister, D. Casanova, M. O. Wolf, and C. J. Bardeen, JACS, Ahead of Print (9-2015)
- "Excited-state dynamics of diindenoperylene in liquid solution and in solid films," V. M. Nichols, K. Broch, F. Schreiber, and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119(23), 12856-12864 (2015).
- "Ligand binding to distinct sites on nanocrystals affecting energy and charge transfer," X. Li, L. W. Slyker, V. M. Nichols, G. S. H. Pau, C. J. Bardeen and M. L. Tang, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6(9), 1709-1713 (2015).
- "Hybrid molecule-nanocrystal photon upconversion across the visible and near-infrared," Z. Huang, X. Li, M. Mahboub, K. M. Hanson, V. M. Nichols, H. Le, M. L. Tang, and C. J. Bardeen, Nano Lett., 15(8), 5552-5557 (2015).
- "Photochemical degradation of the UV filter octyl methoxycinnamate in solution and in aggregates," K. M. Hanson, S. Narayanan, V. M. Nichols, and C. J. Bardeen, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 14, 1607-1616 (2015).
- "Chemical reaction method for growing photomechanical organic microcrystals," R. O. Al-Kaysi, L. Zhun, M. Al-Haidar, M. K. Al-Muhannah, K. El-Boubbou, T. M. Hamdan, and C. J. Bardeen, CrystEngComm. Advanced Article (1-2015).
- "Synthesis and photophysical properties of a "face-to-face" stacked tetracene dimer," H. Liu, V. M. Nichols, L. Sehn, S. Jahansouz, Y. Chen, K. M. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, and Xi. Li, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 6523-6531 (2015).
- "Hybrid molecule-nanocrystal photon upconversion across the visible and near infrared,"" Z. Huang, X. Li, M. Mahboub, K. M. Hanson, V. M. Nichols, H. Le, M. L. Tang, C. J. Bardeen Nanoletters, 615, 5552-5557 (2015).
- "How morphology affects singlet fission in crystalline tetracene," G. P. Piland and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6(10), 1841-1846 (2015).
- "Chloroboron subphthalocyanine/C60 planar heterojunction organic solar cell with N,N-dicarbozolyl-3, 5-benzene blocking layer," C. F. Lin, V. M. Nichols, Y.-C. Cheng, C. J. Bardeen, M.-K. Wei, S.-W. Liu, C.-C. Lee, W.-C. Su, T.-L. Chiu, H.-C. Han, L.-C. Chen, C.-T. Chen, J.-H. Lee,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells , 122, 264-270 (2014).
- "Observation of multiple, identical binding sites in exchange of carboxylic acid ligands with CdS nanocrystals," X. Li, V. M. Nichols, D. Zhou, C. Lim, G. S. Heng Pau, C. J. Bardeen, M. L. Tang Nanoletters, 14, 3382-3387(2014).
- "Dynamics of molecular excitons near a semiconductor surface studied by fluorescnece quenching of polycrystalline tetracene on silicon,"G. B. Piland, J. J. Burdett, T.-Y.Hung, P.-H. Chen, C.-F. Lin, T.-L. Chiu, J.-H. Lee, C. J. Bardeen Chem. Phys. Lett., 601, 33-38(2014).
- "Improved solid-state photomechanical materials by fluorine substitution of 9-anthracene carboxylic acid," L. Zhu, F. Tong, C. Salinas, M. K. Al-Muhanna, F. S. Tham, D. Kisailus, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Mat. , 26, 6007-6015 (2014).
- "Triplet excitons: bringing dark states to light," C. J. Bardeen, Nature Materials, 13, 1001-1003 (2014).
- "Singlet fission: from coherence to kinetics," G. B. Piland, J. J. Burdett, R. J. Dillon, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 2312-2319 (2014).
- "Pressure dependence of the forward and backward rates of 9-tert-butylanhracence dewar isomerization," F. Tong, C. D. Cruz, S. R. Jezowski, X. Zhou, L. Zhu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, E. L. Chronister, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, 5349-5354 (2014).
- "The structure and dynamics of molecular excitons," C. J. Bardeen, Annual Rev. Phys. Chem., 65, 127-148 (2014).
- "Promotion of atomic hydrogen recombination as an alternative to electron trapping for the role of metals in photocatalytic production of H2," J. B. Joo, R. Dillon, I. Lee, Y. Yin, C. J. Bardeen, and F. Zaera, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 111(22), 7942-7947 (2014).
- "Mechanism of photo-induced bending and twisting in crystalline microneedles and microribbons composed of 9-methylanthracene," T. Kim, L. Zu, L. J. Mueller, and C. J. Bardeen, JACS Ahead of Print (2014).
- "Organic photomechanical materials," T. Kim, L. Zhu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, ChemPhysChem, 15(3), 400-414 (2014).
- "Chloroboron subphthalocyanice/C60 planar heterojunction organice solar cell with N,N-dicarbazolyl-3,5-benenzene blocking layer," C-F. Lin, V. M. Nichols, Y-C. Cheng, C. J. Bardeen, M-K. Wei, S-W. Liu, C-C. Lee, W-C. Su, T-L. Chiu, H-C. Han, L-C. Chen, C-T. Chen and J-H. Lee, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 122, 264-270 (2014).
- "Different rates of singlet fission in monoclinc versus orthorhombic crystal forms of diphenylhexatriene," R. J. Dillon, G. B. Piland and C. J. Bardeen, JACS, 135(46), 17278-17281 (2013).
- "Magnetic field effects and the role of spin states in singlet fission," J. J. Burdett, G. B. Piland, and C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Phys. Lett., 585, 1-10 (2013).
- "Assessing the potential of peropyrene as a singlet fission material: photophysical properties in solution and the solid state," V. M. Nichols, M. T. Rodriguez, G. B. Piland, F. Tham, V. N. Nesterov, W. J. Younggblood, and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117(33), 16802-16810 (2013).
- "Photoinduced curling of organic molecular crystal nanowires," T. Kim, M. Al-Muhanna, S. D. Al-Suwaidan, R. O. Al-Kaysi, and C. J. Bardeen, Angewandte Chemie, 52(27), 6889-6893 (2013).
- "The Dynamics of Singlet Fission in Crystalline Tetracene and Covalent Analogs," J. J. Burdett and C. J. Bardeen, Accounts of Chemical Research, 46(6), 1312-1320 (2013).
- "Correlating the excited state relaxation dynamics as measured by photoluminescence and transient absorption with the photcatylitic activity of Au@TiO2 core-shell nanostructures," R. J. Dillon, J-B. Joo, F. Zaaera, Y. Yin, and C. J. Bardeen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(5), 1488-1496 (2013).
- "Magnetic field effects on singlet fission and fluorescence decay dynamics in amorphous rubrene," G. B. Piland, J. J. Burdett, D. Kurunthu, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117(3), 1224-1236 (2013).
- "Dependence of the solid-state photomechanical response of 4-chlorocinnamic acid on crystal size," T. Kim, L. Zhu, L. J. Mueller, and C. J. Bardeen, Crys. Eng. Comm., 14(22), 7792-7799 (2012).
- "The photophysics of the 2,6 dialkoxy anthracenes: evidence for excited state side-chain conformation relaxation," J. Luminesce., 132(11), 2997-3003 (2012)
- "Time-resolved studies of charge recombination in the pyrene/TCNQ charge-transfer crystal: evidence for tunneling," R. J. Dillon and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem., 116(21), 5145-5150 (2012).
- "Quantum beats in crystalline tetracene delayed fluorescence due to triplet pair coherences produced by direct singlet fission," J. J. Burdett and C. J. Bardeen, JACS, 134, 8597-8607 (2012).
- "Pressure catalyzed bond dissociation in an anthracene cyclophane photodimer," S. R. Jezowski, L. Zhu, Y. Wang, A. P. Rice, G. W. Scott, C. J. Bardeen, and E. L. Chronister, JACS, 134, 7459-7466 (2012).
- "Magnetic field control of fluorescence polymer nanorods," T. Kim, L. He, J. R. Morales, W. P. Beyermann, and C. J. Bardeen, Nanotechnology, 22, 455704/1-8, (2012).
- "The dependence of singlet exciton relaxation on excitation density and temperature in polycrystalline tetracene thin films: kinetic eveidence for a dark intermediate state and implications of singlet fission," J. J. Burdett, D. Gosztola, and C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 214508/1-10, (2011).
- "Antioxidants in sunscreens for improved ROS protection," K. M. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, D. G. Beasley, T. A. Meyer, Cosm. & Toil. 126 , 710-718 (2011).
- "Fabrication of biologically active surface-modified Taxol nanowires using anodic alumininum oxide templates," M. H. Abumaree, L. Zhu, C. J. Bardeen, S. D. Al-Suwaidan, R. O. Al-Kaysi, RSC Advances , 1, 884-892 (2011).
- "Crystal structures and photophysical properties of 9-anthracene carboxylic acid derivatives for photomechanical applications," L. Zhu, R. O. Al-Kaysi, R. J. Dillon, F. S. Than, C. J. Bardeen, Crystal Growth and Design, 11, 4975-4983 (2011).
- "Reversible photoinduced twisting of molecularcrystal microribbons," L. Zhug, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, JACS, 133, 12569-12575 (2011).
- "Controlling the shape of organic nanostructures: fabrication and properties," R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, from Nanomaterials for the Life Sciences Ed. C. S. S. R. Kumar, 10, 429-454 (2011).
- "Electronic energy migration in solivd versus liquid host matrices for concentrated perylenediimide dye solutions," K. A. Colby, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A., 115 7574-7581 (2011).
- "Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of a new heteropolyoxoniobate compound: K10[Nb202](H2o)2][SiNb12O40]*12H2O," Z. Zhang, Q. Lin, D. Kurunthu, T. Wu, F, Zuo, S-T., Zheng, C. J. Bardeen, X, Bu., P. Feng, JACS, 133, 6934-6937 (2011).
- "Solid-state photochemical and photomechanical properties of molecular crystal nanorods composed of anthracene ester derivatives," L. Zhu, A. Agarwal, J. Lai, R. O. Al-Kaysi, F. S. Tham, T. Ghaddar, L. Mueller, C. J. Bardeen, J. Mat. Chem.,21, 6258-6268 (2011).
- "FRET detection of proteins using fluorscently doped electrospun nanofibers and pattern recognitition,"B. W. Davis, N. Niamnont, R. Dillon, C. J. Bardeen, M. Sukwattanasnitt, Q. Cheng, Langmuir, 27, 6401-6408 (2011).
- "The effects of photochemical and mechanical damage on the excited state dynamics of charge-transfer molecular crystlas composed of tetracyanobenzene and aromatic donor molecules," R. J. Dillon, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A., 115, 1627-1633 (2011).
- "Excited state dynamics in solid and monomeric tetracene: The roles of superradiance and exciton fission," J. J. Burdett, A. M. Mueller, D. Gosztola, C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 144506/1-12 (2010).
- "The effects of nanopillar surface texturing on the photoluminescence of polymer films," T. Kim, D. Kurunthu, J. J. Burdett, C. J. Bardeen, J. Appl. Phys.108, 033114/1-6 (2010).
- "Electronic energy migration on different time scales: concentration dependence of the time-resolved anistropy and fluorscence quenching of Lumogen Red in Poly(methyl) methacrylate," K. A. Colby, J. J. Burdett, F. F. Frisbee, L. Zhu, R. J. Dillon, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 3471-3482 (2010).
- "Fluorescence Quenching in Conjugated Polymers Blended with Reduced Graphitic Oxide," Y. Wang, D. Kurunthu, G. W. Scott, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 4153-4159 (2010).
- "Using Two-Photon Excitation to Control Bending Motions in Molecular-Crystal Nanorods," J. T. Good, J.J. Burdett, C. J. Bardeen, Small, 5, 2902-2909 (2009).
- "Effects of solvent and annealing on photophysical properties of polythiophene photovoltaic cells," S. Chaudhary, A. M. Muller, W. Huang, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen,C. S. Ozkan, M. Ozkan, Advanced Science Letters, 2, 14-20(2009),
- "Application of nonlinear optical microscopy for imaging skin," K. M. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 85, 33-44 (2009).
- "Using two-photon fluorescence microscopy to study chemical phenomena in the skin," K. M. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, Optical Science and Engineering (2009), 138(Biochemical Applications of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy), 33-49.
- "Formation of Cocrystal nanorods by solid-state reaction of tetracyanobenzene formation of cocrystal nanorods by solid-state reaction of tetracyanobenzene in 9-methylanthracence molecular crystal nanorods," R. O. Al-Kaysi, A. M. Mueller, R. J. Frisbee, C. J. Bardeen, Cryst. Growth & Des., ACS ASAP (2009).
- "Dendritic and linear macromolecular architectures for photovoltaics: a photoinduced charge transfer investigation," A. Nantalaksakul, A. Mueller, A. Klaikherd, C. J. Bardeen, S. Thayumanavan, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 2727-2738 (2009).
- "A Novel Family of Phosphole-Thiophene Oligomers for Optoelectronic Applications," N. H. T. Huy, B. Donnadieu, F. Mathey, A. Muller, K. Colby, C. J. Bardeen, Organometallics, 27, 5521-5524 (2008).
- "Template assisted synthesis of silica-coated molecular crystal nanorods:From hydrophoboic to hydrophilic nanorods," J. Colloid & Interf. Sci. 327, 102-107 (2008).
- "Experimental and theoretical study of temperature dependent exciton delocalization and relaxation in anthracene thin films," T. S. Ahn, A. M. Mueller, R. O. Al-Kaysi, F. C. Spano, J. E. Norton, D. Belijonne, J-L. Bredas, C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys., 128, (2008).
- "Effects of mild plasma exposure on the active-layer in polythiophene: Fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells," H. W. Lu, S. Chaudhary, A. M. Mueller, C. J. Bardeen, M. Ozhkan, J. Nano. and Opto., 2, 282-286 (2007).
- "Exciton fission and fusion in bis(tetracene) molecules with different covalent linker structures," A. M. Muller, Y. S. Avlasevich, W. W. Schoeller, K. Mullen, C. J. Bardeen, JACS, 129, 14240-14250 (2007).
- "Photopolymerization of organic molecular crystal nanorods," R. O. Al-Kaysi, R. J. Dillon, J. M. Kaiser, L. J. Mueller, G. Guirado, C. J. Bardeen, Macromolecules, 40, 9040-9044 (2007).
- "Microgravimetric immunosensor for direct detection of aerosolized influenza A virus particles," T. W. Owen, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Q. Cheng, Sensors and Actuators, 126, 691-699 (2007).
- "The effects of orientational and energetic disorder on Forster energy migration along a one-dimensional lattice," T. S. Ahn, N. Wright, C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 446, 43-48 (2007).
- "Self-absorption correction for solid state photoluminescence quantum yields obtained from integrating sphere measurements," T. S. Ahn, R. O. Al-Kaysi, A. M. Mueller, K. M. Wentz, C. J. Bardeen, Rev. Sci. Instr. 78 (2007).
- "Two-photon standing-wave fluorescence correlation spectroscopy," K. M. Hanson, S. K. Davis, C. J. Bardeen, Opt. Lett. 32, 2121-2123 (2007).
- "Using a Streak Camera to Resolve the Motion of Molecular Excited States with Picosecond Time Resolution and 150 nm Spatial Resolution," A.M. Mueller, C.J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. C., 111, 12483-12489 (2007).
- "Hierarchical Placement and Associated Optoelectronic Impact of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells," S. Chaudhary, H. Lu, A. Mueller, C.J. Bardeen, M. Ozkan, Nano Letters, 7, 1973-1979 (2007).
- "Reversible photoinduced shape changes of crystalline organic nanorods," R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Advanced Materials, 19, 1276-1280 (2007).
- "Photoluminescence of GaN nanowires of different crystallographicc orientation," A. H. Chin, T. S. Ahn, H. Li, S. Vaddiraju, C. J. Bardeen, C-Z. Ning, M. K. Sunkara, Nano Letters, 7, 626-631 (2007).
- "Photochemically driven shape changes of crystalline organic nanorods," R. O. Al-Kaysi, A. M. Mueller, C. J. Bardeen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 15938-15939 (2006).
- "Energy and charge transfer dynamics in fully decorated benzyl ether dendrimers and their disubstituted analogues," T. S. Ahn, A. Nantalakakul, R. R. Dasari, R. O. Al-Kaysi, A. M. Mueller, S. Thayumanvan, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. B., 110, 24331-24339 (2006).
- "Sunscreen Enhancement of UV-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species in Skin," K. M. Hanson, C. J. Bardeen, Free Radical Biol. Med. 41, 1205-1212 (2006).
- "Light-harvesting in carbonyl-terminated phenylacetylene dendrimers: The role of delocalized excited states and the scaling of light-harvesting efficiency with dendrimer size," T. S. Ahn, A.L. Thompson, P. Bharathi, A. M. Mueller, C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 19810-19819 (2006).
- "The photophysical propertis of chromophores at high (100 mM and above) concentrations in polymers and as neat solvents," Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 3453-3459 (2006).
- "Using perylene-doped polymer nanotubes as fluorescence sensors," S. Lee, A. M. Mueller, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Nanoletters, 6 1420-1424 (2006).
- "Dendrimer analogues of linear molecules to evaluate energy and charge-transfer properties," A. Nantalaksakul, R. R. Dasari, T. S. Ahn, R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Organic Letters, 8, 2981-2984 (2006).
- "General method for the synthesis of crystalline organic nanorods using porous alumina templates," R. O. Al-Kaysi, C. J. Bardeen, Chemical Communications, 11, 1224-1226 (2006).
- "Evidence for exciton fission and fusion in a covalently linked tetracene dimer," A. M. Mueller, Y. S. Avlasevich, K. Muellen, C. J. Bardeen, Chemical Physics Letters, 421, 518-522 (2006).
- "Light Harvesting Dendrimers," A. Nantalaksakul, D. R. Reddy, C. J. Bardeen, S. Thayumanavan, Photosynthesis Research 87, 133-150 (2006).
- “Self-Assembly Combined with Photopolymerization for the Fabrication of Fluorescence "Turn-On" Vesicle Sensors with Reversible “On-Off” Switching Properties,” G. Ma, A. M. Mueller, C. J. Bardeen and Q. Cheng, Adv. Mat., 18, 55-60, (2006).
- “Using meta-conjugation to enhance charge separation versus charge recombination in phenylacetylene donor-bridge-acceptor complexes,” A. L. Thompson, T. S. Ahn, K. R. J. Thomas, S. Thayumanavan, T. J. Martinez and C. J. Bardeen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 16348-16349 (2005).
- "Dependence of the two-photon absorption cross section on the conjugation of the phenylacetylene linker in dipolar donor-bridge-acceptor chromophores,” S. Lee, J. K. Thomas, S. Thayumanavan and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 9767-9774 (2005).
- “Effects of Sonication on the Size and Crystallinity of Stable Zwitterionic Organic Nanoparticles Formed by Reprecipitation in Water,” R. O. Al-Kaysi, A. M. Mueller, T. S. Ahn, S. Lee and C. J. Bardeen, Langmuir, 21, 7990-7994 (2005).
- “Time-resolved Microscopy of Chromatin in vivo and In Vitro,” S. K. Davis and C. J. Bardeen, Photochem. Photobio. 81, 548-555 (2005).
- “Effect of Guest Molecule Flexibility in Access to Dendritic Interiors,” S. V. Aathimanikandan, B. S. Sandanaraj, C. G. Arges, C. J. Bardeen and S. Thayumanavan, Org. Lett. 7, 2809-2812 (2005).
“Probing Every Layer in Dendrons,” K. Sivanandan, S. V. Aathimanikandan, C. G. Arges, C. J. Bardeen and S. Thayumanavan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 2020-2021 (2005).
“Energy and Electron Transfer in Bifunctional Non-Conjugated Dendrimers,” K. R. J. Thomas, A. L. Thompson, S. V. Aathimanikandan, C. J. Bardeen and S. Thayumanavan, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 373-383 (2005).
“Anomalous Exciton Diffusion in the Conjugated Polymer MEH-PPV Measured Using a Three-Pulse Pump-Dump-Probe Anisotropy Experiment,” K. M. Gaab and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 10801-10806 (2004).
“The effects of connectivity, coherence, and trapping on energy transfer in simple light-harvesting systems studied using the Haken-Strobl model with diagonal disorder,” K. M. Gaab and C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys.121, 7813-7820 (2004).
K. M. Gaab and C. J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 056001/1-056001/4 (2004).
“Phosphorescence from Iridium Complexes Doped into Polymer Blends,” X. Gong, S. –H. Lim, J. C. Ostrowski, D. Moses, C. J. Bardeen and G. C. Bazan, J. App. Phys. 95, 948-953 (2004).
“Exciton Delocalization and Superradiance in Tetracene Thin Films and Nanoaggregates,” S. –H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund, F. C. Spano and C. J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 107402/1-107402/4 (2004).
“Characterization of Individual Submicron Distyrylbenzene Aggregates Using Temperature-dependent Picosecond Fluorescence and Atomic Force Microscopy,” S. –H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. B108, 4289-4295 (2004).
“Variable Electronic Coupling in Phenylacetylene Dendrimers: The Role of Förster, Dexter, and Charge-Transfer Interactions,” A. L. Thompson, K. M. Gaab, J. Xu, C. J. Bardeen and T. J. Martinez, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 671-682 (2004).
Content for New div Tag Goes Here “Wavelength and Temperature Dependence of the Femtosecond Pump Probe Anisotropies in the Conjugated Polymer MEH-PPV: Implications for Energy Transfer Dynamics,” K. M. Gaab and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 4619-4626 (2004).
“The Connection Between Chromatin Motion on the 100 nm Lengthscale and Core Histone Dynamics in Live XTC-2 Cells and Isolated Nuclei,” S. K. Davis and C. J. Bardeen, Biophys. J. 86, 555-564 (2004).
“The Optical Spectroscopy of Poly(p-Phenylene Vinylene)/Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends: from Aggregates to Isolated Chromophores,” T. G. Bjorklund, S. H. Lim and C. J. Bardeen, Syn. Met. 142, 195-200 (2004).
“Temperature Dependence of Electronic Energy Transfer from a Polymer Host to a Triplet Emitter in Light Emitting Diode Materials,” S. –H. Lim, X. Gong, J. Ostrowski, G. C. Bazan, D. Moses, and C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Phys. Lett., 376, 55-61 (2003).
“Cross-linking of Histone Proteins to DNA by UV Illumination of Chromatin Stained with Hoechst 33342,” S. K. Davis and C. J. Bardeen, Photochem. Photobio. 77, 675-679 (2003).
“Meta-Conjugation and Excited State Coupling in Phenylacetylene Dendrimers,” K. M. Gaab, A. L. Thompson, J. Xu, T. J. Martinez, and C. J. Bardeen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 9288-9289 (2003).
“Spectroscopic and Photocatalytic Properties of Organic Tetracene Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution,” H. Y. Kim, T. G. Bjorklund, S. –H. Lim and C. J. Bardeen, Langmuir 19, 3941-3946 (2003).
“The Role of Long-Lived Dark States in the Photoluminescence Dynamics of Phenylene Vinylene Conjugated Polymers. II. Excited State Quenching versus Ground State Depletion,” S. –H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund and C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 4297-4305 (2003).
“The Role of Long-Lived Dark States in the Photoluminescence Dynamics of Phenylene Vinylene Conjugated Polymers,” S. –H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund, K. M. Gaab and C. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 454-461 (2002).
“Using Two-Photon Standing Waves and Patterned Photobleaching to Measure Diffusion from Nanometers to Microns in Biological Systems,” S. K. Davis and C. J. Bardeen, Rev. Sci. Inst., 73, 2128-2135 (2002).
“Dependence of Poly(p-Phenylene Vinylene) Morphology and Time-Resolved Photophysics on Precursor Solvent,” T. G. Bjorklund, S. –H. Lim and C. J. Bardeen, Syn. Met., 126, 295-299 (2002).
“The Use of Picosecond Fluorescence Dynamics as an Indicator of Exciton Motion in Conjugated Polymers: Dependence on Chemical Structure and Temperature,” T. G. Bjorklund, S. -H. Lim and C. J. Bardeen, J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 11970-11977 (2001).
“Temperature-Dependent Exciton Dynamics and Delocalization in Poly(p- phenylene vinylene) Measured by Femtosecond Transient Emission Spectroscopy,” S. -H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund and C. J. Bardeen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 342, 555-562 (2001).
“Molecular p Pulses: Population Inversion with Positively Chirped Short Pulses,” J. Cao, C. J. Bardeen and K. R. Wilson, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 1898-1909 (2000).
“Probing Microscopic Chemical Environments with High Intensity Chirped Pulses,” A. H. Buist, M. Muller, R. I.Ghauharali,
G. J. Brakenhoff, J. A. Squier, C. J. Bardeen, V. V. Yakovlev and K. R. Wilson, Opt. Lett. 24, 244-246 (1999).
“Effect of Pulse Shape on the Efficiency of Multiphoton Processes: Implications for Biological Microscopy,” C. J. Bardeen,
V. V. Yakovlev, J. Squier, K. R. Wilson, S. D. Carpenter and P. M. Weber, J. Biomed. Opt. 4 , 362-367 (1999).
“Ultrafast Solvation Processes in Liquids Probed with Large Organic Molecules,” C. J. Bardeen, S. J. Rosenthal and C. V. SHank, J. Phys. Chem. A. 103, 10506-10516 (1999).
“Using Time-Dependent Rate Equations to Describe Chirped Pulse Excitation in Condensed Phases,” C. J. Bardeen, J. Cao, F.
L. H. Brown and K. R. Wilson, Chem. Phys. Lett., 302, 405-410 (1999).
"Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Excitation of Vibrational Wavepackets in LD690 and Bacteriorhodopsin," C. J. Bardeen, Q. Wang and C. V. Shank, J. Phys. Chem. A, 102, 27592766 (1998).
“Quantum Control of Population Transfer in Green Fluorescent Protein Using Chirped Femtosecond Pulses,” C. J. Bardeen, V.V. Yakovlev, J. A. Squier and K. R. Wilson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 13023-13027 (1998).
"Chirped Pulse Enhancement of Multiphoton Absorption in Molecular Iodine," V. V. Yakovlev, C. J. Bardeen, J. Che, J. Cao and K. R. Wilson, J. Chem. Phys., 108, 23092313 (1998).
"Molecular “p Pulse” for Total Inversion of Electronic State Population," J. Cao, C. J. Bardeen and K. R. Wilson, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 1406-1409 (1998).
"Quantum Control of I2 in the Gas Phase and in Condensed Phase Solid Kr Matrix," C. J. Bardeen, J. Che, K. R. Wilson, V. V. Yakovlev, V. A. Apkarian, C. C. Martens, R. Zadoyan, B. Kohler and M. Messina, J. Chem. Phys., 106, 8486-8503 (1997).
"Quantum Control of NaI Photodissociation Reaction Product States by Ultrafast Tailored Light Pulses," C. J. Bardeen, J. Che, K. R. Wilson, V. V. Yakovlev, P. Cong, B. Kohler, J. L. Krause and M. Messina, J. Phys. Chem., 101, 3815-3822 (1997).
"Temperature Dependent Dephasing of Molecules in Polymers in the Range 30K to 300K," C. J. Bardeen, G. Cerullo and C.V. Shank, Chem. Phys. Lett., 280, 127-133 (1997).
"Feedback Quantum Control of Molecular Electronic Population Tansfer," C. J. Bardeen, V. V. Yakovlev, K. R. Wilson, S.D. Carpenter, P. M. Weber and W. S. Warren, Chem. Phys. Lett., 280, 151-158 (1997).
"Quantum Confinement and Ultrafast Dephasing Dynamics in InP Nanocrystals," U. Banin, G. Cerullo, A. A. Guzelian, C. J.Bardeen, A. P. Alivisatos and C. V. Shank, Phys. Rev. B, 55, 7059-7067 (1997).
"High Power Femtosecond Chirped Pulse Excitation of Molecules in Solution," G. Cerullo, C. J. Bardeen, Q. Wang and C. V.Shank, Chem. Phys. Lett. 262, 362-368 (1996)
"Selective Excitation of Vibrational Wavepacket Motion Using Chirped Pulses," C. J. Bardeen, Q. Wang and C. V. Shank, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3410-3413 (1995).
"Ultrafast Dynamics of the Solvent-Solute Interaction Measured by Femtosecond Four-Wave Mixing: LD690 in n-Alcohols," C. J. Bardeen and C. V. Shank, Chem Phys. Lett. 226, 310-316 (1994).
"Femtosecond Electronic Dephasing in Large Molecules in Solution Using Mode Suppression," C. J. Bardeen and C. V. Shank, Chem. Phys. Lett. 203, 535-539 (1993).
"Non-Markovian Dephasing of Molecules in Solution Measured with Three Pulse Femtosecond Photon Echoes," J. Y. Bigot, M. T. Portella, R. W.Schoenlein, C. J. Bardeen, A. Migus and C. V. Shank, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1138-1141 (1991).
Chapters & Proceedings
"Exciton Quenching and Migration in Single Conjugated Polymers," C. J. Bardeen, Science, 331, 544-545 (2011).
"Two-photon standing wave patterned photobleaching to probe DNA dynamics in live cells,” C. J. Bardeen and S. K. Davis, Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
“The role of nanoaggregate domains in the exciton dynamics of poly(p-phenylene vinylene)” C. J. Bardeen, S. –H. Lim, T. G. Bjorklund, and K. M. Gaab, Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
“Perspectives. Electron Transfer. Sometimes You Can Go Home Again,” C. J. Bardeen, Science 293, 444-445 (2001).
“New Ways to Observe and Control Dynamics,” K. R. Wilson, C. J. Bardeen, C. P. J. Barty, G. J. Brakenhoff, A. H. Buist, J. Cao, S. D. Carpenter, J. Che, D. N. Fittinghoff, M. Muller, J. A. Squier, W. S. Warren, P. M. Weber, and V. V. Yakovlev, Proc. S. P. I. E. 3273, Bellingham, WA, 1998.
“Ultrafast Lasers and Biological Applications: from Two-Photon to Molecular Relaxation Imaging,” A. H. Buist, G. J. Brakenhoff, M. Muller, T. B. Norris, J. Squier, C. J. Bardeen, V. V. Yakovlev, and K. R. Wilson, Proc. S.P.I.E. 3269, Bellingham, WA, 1998.
"Ultrafast Measurement of Microscopic Chemical Environments Using High Intensity Chirped Pulses,” J. A. Squier, C. J. Bardeen, V. V. Yakovlev, K. R. Wilson, A. Buist, and G. J. Brakenhoff, Ultrafast Phenomena XI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
“Quantum Control of Femtosecond Multiphoton Absorption via Chirp,” V. V. Yakovlev, C. J. Bardeen, J. Cao, J. Che, and K. R. Wilson, Ultrafast Phenomena XI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
“Feedback Quantum Control of Population Transfer Using Shaped Femtosecond Pulses,” C. J. Bardeen, V. V. Yakovlev, K. R. Wilson, S. D. Carpenter, P. M. Weber, and W. S. Warren, Ultrafast Phenomena XI, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
"Laser Advances Spark Ultrafast Studies," C. J. Bardeen and K. R. Wilson, Photonics Spectra, 30, 84 (1996).
"Quantum Control from the Gas to Condensed Phase," V. A. Apkarian, C. J. Bardeen, J. Che, P. Cong, B. Kohler, J. L. Krause, C. C. Martens, M. Messina, K. R. Wilson, V. V. Yakovlev, and R. Zadoyan, Ultrafast Phenomena X, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
"Ultrafast Dephasing Dynamics and Multi-level Electronic Structure of InP Nanocrystals," G. Cerullo, U. Banin, A. A. Guzelian, C. J. Bardeen, R. W. Schoenlein, A. P. Alivisatos, and C. V. Shank, Ultrafast Phenomena X, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
"Selective Excitation of Wavepacket Motion in the Condensed Phase Using Chirped Pulses," C. J. Bardeen, Q. Wang, and C. V. Shank, Ultrafast Phenomena X, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
"Temperature Dependent Electronic Dephasing of Molecules in Polymers Measured by Femtosecond Three Pulse Photon Echoes," C. J. Bardeen, G. Cerullo, and C. V. Shank, Ultrafast Phenomena X, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
"Solvent Dependence of the Femtosecond Three-Pulse Photon Echo for LD690 in n-Alcohols," C. J. Bardeen and C. V. Shank, Ultrafast Phenomena IX, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.